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Nylon Rope Lures for Gar
using hookless nylon rope lures for big longnose gar!
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Northern Bowfin
By Justin Hinkeldey: May 12, 2023 In 2022 genetic work finally seemed to confirm suspicion that many in the tight-knit bowfin rings had...
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Giant Quest: Idaho's White Sturgeon
Chasing Idaho's monster white sturgeon. Catching big sturgeon from kayaks and by land! 3 friends embark on a bucket-list trip for the ages
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Sharks In Freshwater!?
Can sharks live in freshwater? Absolutely! And we'll tell you how, when, where, and why right here!
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Fishing for Grass Carp
Tips on how to find and catch big grass carp in ponds, rivers and lakes
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One of Texas' Biggest Bass in 30 Years
On Monday, February 13th, 2023, angler Jason Conn captured one of the largest bass to come out of Texas in the past 30 years. Jason was...
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Video: Trophy Smallmouth Paddle and Camp
My catalytic converter is going bad in my truck, but it ain't dead yet! When I saw the temps were going to be campable (night low temps...
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Ice Fisherman Catches Massive Walleye in New York
On January 25, 2023, angler Ed Green of Pennsylvania hooked and landed a massive walleye through the ice in upstate New York. Green was...
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Video: Big Bass in a Brush Pile
While fishing "The Ten" KBF (Kayak Bass Fishing) Tournament this big largemouth got itself hung in a submerged brush pile and almost...
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Yakattack MightyMount Duo Rail Adapter
The Duo Rail Adapter is one more stellar addition to the MightyMount product line from Yakattack. This new version of the MightyMount is...
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New Potential World Record Snakehead
Ng Yam Pin recently captured this massive 28-pound Giant Snakehead to potentially set the IGFA Men’s 30lb Line Class World Record. He was...
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Kayak Fishing for Giant White Sturgeon
Kayak Sturgeon fishing is an exciting and unique way to experience one of the largest freshwater fish species in North America. Kayak...
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Flatheads on Artificials
In my opinion, flathead catfish have to be one of the most badass species of fish on the planet. Their camouflage skin blends in...
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Great Lakes Trout on Ice: A Beginner's Guide
Ice fishing the Great Lakes for monster brown trout. Pat Kiehm gives a beginner's guide on how to master the Great Lake's giant trout!
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Seigler Reels SG (Small Game)
By Grant Alvis: February 6, 2023 The Seigler SG is the company's “flagship” reel of sorts. It was the first model that was released,...
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Tournement Fishing: Follow Your Gut
I was mad because I just got a bite in this brush pile, and then I ruined it by getting hung up, and having to get on top of it to remove...
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Boundless Pursuit - Episode 3: JC Defeats, Alligator Attack Survivor
JC 'Defeats' joins the Boundless Pursuit Podcast to talk about his harrowing story of surviving an alligator attack. We discuss his time...
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Boundless Pursuit - Episode 2: Fishing and Conservation with Florian and Max
Maximilian Claus and Florian Kappen of the Netherlands join the Boundless Pursuit Podcast to talk about the global exploits in search of...
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Boundless Pursuit - Episode 1: Spencer Wonder of Terra Firma Tackle
Spencer Wonder of Terra Firma Tackle joins the Boundless Pursuit Podcast to discuss his various landbased fishing endeavors for giant 16...
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