Pat Kiehm
Pat was born and raised in what most would consider to be the best fishery for trophy brown trout in the Great Lakes, let alone the country, or even the world for that matter. Growing up so close to Lake Michigan, no matter what other interests he may have followed, fishing Lake Michigan, and its tributaries was the only ever constant variable from a young age.
Pats evolution as a Great Lakes shore angler quickly became something much more than just something fun to do on the weekends rather, a full-fledged obsession. Whether it be chinook salmon, steehead, or brown trout, Pat quickly became a master of his craft. Catching the eye of household industry names such as field and stream, and outdoor life magazine.
As time went on, Pat later began to offer his expertise in the great lakes guiding under PK Fishing Tours exclusively out of Milwaukee, WI. In 3 very short years has built a respectable reputation for being not only a professional, but one of the few remaining in a rapidly growing community of anglers that still equips the mentality to "think outside the box".